Vim is a great editor on Linux, but unfortunately the usual keyboard shortcuts such as Crtl + F to searh and replace text does not exist. In this tip I explain the command to make a text replacement in VIM.
Vim is a great editor on Linux, but unfortunately the usual keyboard shortcuts such as Crtl + F to searh and replace text does not exist. In this tip I explain the command to make a text replacement in VIM.
In this article I present you a config which allows to put the client MySQL / MariaDB in color to facilitate the reading of the results of your SQL queries.
The attribution of right in MySQL and MariaDB is sometimes a puzzle especially if one wishes to have a control by table for a user. It is possible to use a wildcard in the Grant command but its syntax is not very explicit.
Have you ever thought about using the .my.cnf configuration file to make it easier to connect to your MySQL or MariaDB databases? This configuration is very useful when you have to manage several databases and / or several servers. I propose you a presentation of what we can do with it in this article.
There are several ways to store dates in database, the choice is not so simple, especially if you need the timezone. In this article I explain the different solutions with their advantages and disadvantages.
Posting a message in RabbitMQ is very easy, unfortunately RabbitMQ does not provide any feedback on the success or failure of the delivery in a queue. A simple typo in the routing key and the message will be lost forever without being informed. The Alternate Exchange option allows you to retrieves these "lost" messages in a specific queue.
No need to remember your password to connect to a linux server, SSH keys provide authentication. We can have the same thing on MySQL and MariaDB. With a plugin, the database server trusts the credentials of the linux system, you only need mysql account with the same name as the linux account and the password disappears from the connection. It is ideal on a development server with multiple users and it greatly facilitates the management of accounts, even if we forget to delete the mysql account, deletion of the linux account is enough.
Having a strategy of backup information is really important. We tend to neglect it and think about it after the first loss of information. Here is my backup script of my MySQL databases.
Elastic provides a light weight PHP library: elasticsearch-php to connect to Elasticsearch cluster. This Library is an API client with all possible options. It's light weight and lets developer chose implementation to use it. It's a very good alternative to Elastica and his abstraction layer. On this blog I'm using elasticseach-php with Twig to manage my indices and query Elasticsearch.
I almost use only the command line to make calls on APIs using cURL. It's convenient and fast, easily scriptable if needed and the history of bash saves me time. But the response provided by cURL is not always readable especially when it comes to JSON. In this article I will introduce JQ that I use to display a pretty readable JSON and more.